The Asus ZenFone 6 was propelled a month ago, and JerryRigEverything has at last got around in doing his huge number of sturdiness tests on the telephone. The ZenFone 6 was propelled in India as the Asus 6Z yesterday. He especially centers around the mechanized flip camera that houses two sensors, and the arrangement of tests reason that the flip camera is very durable, with the pivot material very solid. – the organization is touting the utilization of ‘fluid metal’ to fortify the fabricate. The camera likewise has a similar auto-withdrawing capacity when it detects a fall, much the same as the OnePlus 7 Pro. The Asus ZenFone 6 additionally experts the curve test, getting by with no breaks or harms on the front or back of the telephone.
Asus Zenfone 6
JerryRigEverything’s most recent video centers around the Asus ZenFone 6 otherwise known as Asus 6Z. YouTuber Zack Nelson physically hinders the camera from flipping halfway. Slams it against the table while open, attempts to flip it physically, and even attempts to drive it out of the pivot that makes it flip effectively. The telephone endures these tests, and the flip camera keeps on working easily even toward the finish of the video.
Going to the scratch test, the Asus ZenFone 6 figures out how to scratch at Moh level 6. With more profound scores at Moh level 7. The sides, the manual catches on the edges, and the unique finger impression sensor . They are altogether of metal and scratch effectively. The unique mark scanner keeps on working fine even subsequent to enduring scratches. The camera module additionally is of metal and endures scratches effectively. There are a few starts that are believe to fly while scratching the top bit of. The Flip Camera module, which is somewhat abnormal, however the reason for it isn’t definite in the video. The camera module hole is likewise of metal and scratches effectively.
The telephone endures harm of pixels following 8 seconds of fire, however it very quickly begins recuperating. The telephone likewise breezes through the curve test without a hitch. Without any harms on the showcase or the back board.