Sony India has propelled two new remote necklace style headphones, adding to the rundown of Sony’s developing arrangement of remote sound items in India. The WI-C310 and WI-C200 are in-ear type earphones and Sony claims that they convey dynamic sound execution with profound bass and exceptional lucidity. These headphones don’t have the plastic accessory generally found on some other necklace style headphones and just has a wire associating the two earbuds together. The item will be accessible over all Sony Center stores and major electronic stores in the nation.
Sony WI-C310
The Sony WI-C310 and WI-C200 are lightweight and weigh simply 15g. Without the necklace and tanks to the lightweight. You ought to have the option to tune in to music for longer spans. Sony claims that both offer incredible battery life. Both are evaluated for 15 hours of playback, and have a brisk charge work. At the point when the battery is low, a 10 moment charge enables these. The headphones offer an hour of playback. Sony has likewise decided on. A USB Type-C port on these new headphones, so you won’t need to convey an extra link if your telephone has a USB Type-C port.
Both the Sony WI-C310 and WI-C200 sport 9mm driver units. The earbuds have an attractive lodging which causes them snap together when not being used. This additionally helps keep the earbuds from tangling. The Sony WI-C310 has level links which should enable it to be sans tangle.
The Sony WI-C310 and WI-C200 both have an in-line remote with three catches. The inside catch is a multi-work catch which can be utilized to accept calls, just as to bring the Google Assistant or Siri dependent on the cell phone these are matched to.